VET Student Loan
What is the VET Student Loans program?
VET Student Loans is an Australian Government loan program that helps eligible VET students pay their tuition fees. If you’re studying a Diploma of Music with Queensland College of Music you may be eligible for a VET Student Loan.
The VET Student Loans program is governed by the VET Student Loans Act 2016 and the VET Student Loans Rules 2016. Eligible students studying CUA50820 Diploma of Music with the Queensland College of Music (RTO 40821) can apply for a VET Student Loan (VSL) to fund all or part of their tuition fees. The loan does not cover the cost of resources, administration and uniform costs.
The Queensland College of Music Pty Ltd (QCM) receives the full loan amount for your course directly from the government and eligible students repay the loan through the Australian taxation system once income reaches a certain threshold. The VSL is an agreement between the student and the government. The student debt remains a personal debt until it is repaid. The loan may, until the debt is repaid, reduce a student’s take-home (after tax) wage or salary and may reduce the student’s borrowing capacity. A student may wish to seek independent financial advice before applying for a loan.
Student information for VSL is available at:
VET Student Loan
Terms | Units of Study |
Term 1 (Jan-Mar) | CUAMWB401 Develop and implement own self-care plan in the creative industries CUAMPF420 Perform music from written notation CUAMPF515 Develop instrumental techniques and expand repertoire
Ongoing units: |
Term 2 (Apr-Jun) | CUACMP511 Manage copyright arrangements CUAMLT511 Refine aural-perception and memory skills CUAMLT402 Articulate ideas about music |
Term 3 (Jul-Sep) | BSBCRT512 Originate and develop concepts CUAMCP412 Compose musical pieces CUAMPF420 Perform music from written notation CUAMPF515 Develop instrumental techniques and expand repertoire |
Term 4 (Oct-Dec) | CUAIND412 Provide freelance services CUAIND512 Enhance professional practice using creative arts industry knowledge CUAWRT503 Write about music |
*NB: Technical skills and performing from written notation are included in all terms and culminate in rehearsing and performing as a soloist and in a group performance. Three concerts are held each year and Term 4 units of competency are not awarded until all public performances have been completed. |
2025 Dates
Enrolment Date | 20 January 2025 | 30 June 2025 | ||
Study Dates | 3 February 2025 - 4 April 2025 | 22 April 2025 - 20 June 2025 | 14 July 2025 - 12 September 2025 | 7 October 2025 - 5 December 2025 |
Census Dates | 10 February 2025 | 21 July 2025 | ||
Loan Amount | $3760 | $3760 | ||
Other Fees | $200 | $200 |
Students starting in Semester Two 2025, will finish at the end of Semester One, 2026
VET Student Loan: A VET Student Loan is available for some or all of the fees in this course. A VET Student Loan is only available to students who meet the eligibility requirements and will not be approved for students who do not meet these requirements. For students accessing VSL, a 20% Government Loan Fee applies.
Prices for Australian residents only.
Eligibility Guidelines
To be eligible for VSL at Queensland College of Music (RTO 40821) a student must meet the following requirements:
- have submitted an audition and enrolment form to QCM and received written confirmation of acceptance to study CUA50820 Diploma of Music .
- be an Australian citizen or a qualifying New Zealand citizen or a permanent humanitarian visa holder.
- provide information about the student’s identity and date of birth which is to be verified by QCM.
- be 18 years old or older.
- have a Unique Student Identifier (USI)
- meet academic suitability requirements by providing:
- a copy of Year 12 Certificate,
- evidence of successful completion of AQF Certificate IV
(if neither of the above are available, QCM will provide access to an approved Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) test, and will require competency at Level 3 in the demonstrated Australian Core Skills Framework in both reading and numeracy.)
QCM uses the Core Skills Profile for Adults LLN Tool
The test will be undertaken at QCM under supervision to ensure its integrity. On completion of the approved test, competency achieved in reading and numeracy will be reported to the student within three days and to the Secretary in the form and time requested by the Secretary for VSL.
Students not meeting eligibility requirements will not be approved for a VSL.
Eligibility tool available at:
Application Process
To apply for a VSL you must meet the eligibility guidelines above and, if you are accepted into a course, QCM will inform the government that you wish to apply. Your application for a VSL is separate from your QCM enrolment and will be completed two business days after acceptance of your audition and enrolment. However, you must submit your loan application on or before your first census day for your course.
When QCM has enrolled a student in a course, the student is provided a written statement as to whether or not the enrolment is accepted.
QCM will advise the Department of Education, Skills and Employment that you wish to apply for a VET Student Loan and the Department will email log-on details and password to access the online loan application, Commonwealth Assistance Form (eCAF). This must be completed and submitted before your first census day. If you do not submit your eCAF by the census day, you will be liable for the tuition fees payable for that fee period.
During your study, you may be contacted again by the Commonwealth to confirm your engagement and progression in your course and confirm that you wish to continue to use your VET Student Loan to pay your tuition fees for the course.
Student Responsibilities Relating To Loans
- read the VET Student Loans information booklet and the QCM Student Handbook.
- apply to the Department of Education, Skills and Employment using the approved form including all relevant information and have evidence of loan and enrolment approved. Tax file number and USI are required.
- submit (eCAF) prior to or on the first census day from which the loan is to apply.
- meet engagement and progression requirements by completing a Progression Form within two weeks of being requested by email.
- Inform QCM if contact details change during your study period.
- contact QCM if you wish to change or withdraw from your course, or if you wish to withdraw from some units, and the relevant forms will be forwarded to you.
It is important that you advise QCM if any of your personal or contact details change during your study.
How Course Fees Will Be Charged
Tuition fees are charged by unit of study (see schedule included in the STUDENT COSTS AND DELIVERY PLAN section) and your course will have four fee periods, with payments spread proportionately across the duration of your course.
Once enrolled but prior to your first census day for your course, QCM will provide you with a Statement of Covered Fees confirming that your enrolment has been accepted and the amount of the course tuition fees that will, and will not, be covered under a VET Student Loan. At least 14 days before each census day QCM will provide you with a VET Student Loan Fee Notice outlining the fees for that fee period.
If you withdraw your enrolment on or before the census day, you will not incur the tuition fees for that fee period. After the census day has passed and you have submitted your Commonwealth Assistance Form (eCAF), QCM will send you a Commonwealth Assistance Notice that will provide information about your debt no later than 28 days after the census date for a unit of study which is passed.
Student Costs and Delivery Plan
CUA50820 Diploma of Music is delivered over four, 9 week terms of 20 hours per week (720 hours of face-to-face instruction and 128 hours of public performance time, rehearsal time and instrumental practice time and 10 hours per week of private study, research).
Tuition fees for CUA50820 Diploma of Music are $7200 for the 16 units of competency or $450 per unit. Additional charges to the student are $70 for audition and $240 ($60 per term) to include administration costs, resource costs and provision of QCM T-shirt for performances. These additional charges will be invoiced by QCM to the student in the first week of each term and are non-refundable once a term has commenced.
Tuition costs can be paid by the student as they become due or can be paid via the VET Student Loan. The amount of the loan cannot be greater than any remaining debt balance owed by the student to the government.
Terms | Units of Study |
Term 1 | CUAMWB401 Develop and implement own self-care plan in the creative industries |
Term 2 | CUACMP511 Manage copyright arrangements CUAMLT402 Articulate ideas about music CUAMLT511 Refine aural perception and memory skills |
Term 3 | BSBCRT512 Originate and develop concepts CUAMCP412 Compose musical pieces CUAMPF420 Perform music from written notation CUAMPF515 Develop instrumental techniques and expand repertoire |
Term 4 | CUAIND412 Provide freelance services CUAIND512 Enhance professional practice using creative arts industry knowledge CUAWRT503 Write about music |
Full Year | CUAMPF411 Rehearse music for group performances CUAMPF412 Develop and apply stagecraft skills CUAMPF414 Perform music as part of a group CUAMPF416 Perform music as a soloist CUAMPF513 Perform solo accompaniment *NB: Technical skills and performing are included in all terms and culminate in rehearsing and performing as a soloist and in a group performance. Three concerts are held each year and Term 4 units of competency are not awarded until all public performances have been completed. |
Where students choose or are required to transition from the superseded to the replacement course, a new eCAF application will be required to be submitted by the student prior to the first census day in the replacement course and the student will have access to the maximum loan amount for the new (replacement) course if required. It will be the responsibility of QCM to inform the Department of the replacement course.
Students can also make voluntary repayments to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) at any time to reduce the balance of their debt. Voluntary repayments are in addition to compulsory repayments and are not refundable.
Census Days
2022 Enrolment date | 2022 Tuition dates | 2022 Census dates | Loan amount |
17th January 2022 | 31 January - 31 March 2022 | 2 February 2022 | 1,800.00 Gap fee $60 |
5th April 2022 | 19 April - 16 June 2022 | 21 April 2022 | 1,800.00 Gap fee $60 |
27th June 2022 | 11 July - 8 September 2022 | 13th July 2022 | 1,800.00 Gap fee $60 |
20 September 2022 | 4 October - 1 December 2022 | 6th October 2022 | 1,800.00 Gap fee $60 |
Total course cost | $7440.00 |
Withdrawal and Payment of Fees
Students wishing to withdraw from their course must follow the QCM withdrawal procedures and submit the withdrawal on the form provided in writing, signed and dated. QCM will provide confirmation of receipt of withdrawal.
A student withdrawing on or before a study period census date will not incur any tuition fee debt for that study period including any additional fees for that study period.
A student may still withdraw after a study period census date, however all fees incurred for tuition for that study period will be noted as owing and will need to be paid as part of the VSL. QCM will not charge a withdrawal fee, administration fee or any penalty for withdrawing.
Communication Tools
QCM will provide the VET Student Loan Statement of Covered Fees at the same time and as part of the same notice as the VET Student Loan Fee Notice at least 14 days before the first census date in a fee period.
QCM will forward all notices to a student’s personal email or the student’s postal address or to the student by another method agreed by the student. Electronic communications between QCM and students or between QCM and the Commonwealth will be conducted by means of systems that:
- are secure
- provide for disaster recovery, and
- are sufficiently up to date
Tuition Protection Service
This policy outlines QCM obligations under the Tuition Protection Service (TPS), an initiative of the Australian Government to support and protect VSL students in the event that QCM ceases delivery or is unable to fully deliver the approved course of study that a VSL student is enrolled in.
The TPS ensures that students are able to-
- complete their studies in another course or with another provider,
- receive a re-credit of their VET student loan for parts of the course, students were unable to complete because of QCM’s default.
A default occurs when a provider either:
- fails to start a course or part of a course on the day on which it was scheduled to start, and the student has not withdrawn before that day or
- ceases to provide a course or part of a course after commencement but before completion, and the student has not withdrawn before that day.
Policy Statement
QCM will provide written notice to students and the VSL Protection Director of the default, providing information on the student’s full name and contact details, course details (including name and code of each unit of competency related to default by QCM) , the amount of tuition fees and payment details.
QCM will assist in seeking a suitable replacement course to ensure students can continue their studies with an approved replacement provider.
QCM will provide information to assist the VSL Protection Director make decisions about whether a suitable replacement course exists for displaced students.
Where there is no suitable replacement course, eligible students will be provided with a re-credit to their VET student debt balance. This re-credit will be for tuition fees paid for the original course or parts of the course, which were not completed due to QCM’s default.
A Statement of Attainment will be issued and forwarded to the student and the VSL Protection Director for completed units of competency as requested.
QCM will update its website immediately stating that the course is no longer available.